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Pioneering Nutrition

Our late CEO, Ben Tabatchnick, was a true pioneer in the development of specialized nutrition for needy populations. Starvation-ravaged populations benefit from Nutty Butta, a high-protein nutritional paste developed by Ben. Nutty Butta has meant the difference between sickness and health in many African villages.


Our company also works through US government agencies to make hundreds of nutritious, high protein foods out of surplus cheese, non-fat dry milk, and other commodities. Tabatchnick has developed products for at-crisis populations – from the residents in quake-stricken Haiti to global starving populations, as well as food products for schools, homeless shelters, and elderly nutrition programs across the US.


School systems, shelters, elderly nutrition programs, worldwide relief programs-all have benefited from Tabatchnick’s pioneering approach to food development and production; that means bringing Ready-to-Use-Therapeutic-Foods to needy populations in a matter of weeks instead of months. Tabatchnick cements its place as a leader globally and domestically by working to relieve the global foods crisis, and providing aide here at home.


Ben’s pioneering approach to food development and production has had a lasting legacy, and has helped Tabatchnick and its partners in government, academia, industry, and non-government agencies put food within the reach of millions of the world’s poor.


Learn more about how Tabatchnick is feeding the future. LINK —

Malnurished child being fed
Factory workers in warehouse
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