Great Soup, Good Cause Campaign – Giving Back
Our Great Soup, Good Cause Campaign in the past has supported hunger assistance programs. Two major partnerships were created as a result of this initiative: with Holy Apostles Church, New York City’s largest soup kitchen, and the Capital Area Food Bank in Washington, D.C.
Our Holy Apostles partnership continues to this day. Our past CEO, Ben Tabatchnick, even spent time on the serving line at Holy Apostles during the kick-off event of “Tabatchnick Fridays,” as more than 1,200 guests enjoyed Tabatchnick Split Pea soup and got to meet a 4th-generation soup-maker.
At the time of the launch event, Ben remarked, “It’s a wonderful partnership for us. In fact, I volunteered here 20 years ago, and saw firsthand what a well-run program is. Unfortunately, the need is now greater, and I’m happy to be in a position to help.”
Guest numbers have grown since the soup kitchen opened its doors in 1982, and with more than one in three New Yorkers homeless, Tabatchnick’s donation can make a real difference. The donation saves Holy Apostles about $1,100 a week or more than $57,000 annually. Thousands of people in the city rely on Holy Apostles not only for food, but for counseling and referral services, and for a safe place to rest and relax.
Ben Tabatchnick notes the Holy Apostle menu didn’t even include soup before he came along, “Sure, 500 gallons of soup a week is a lot of product, but hey – what’s a soup kitchen without soup?”
Learn more about our partnership with Holy Apostles here:
The Tabatchnick Family